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Dawdling students: Child’s maintenance forever?
In many families, child maintenance is an irritant and a frequent point of contention between the parents. There are often difficulties in reaching an agreement between the parents when it comes to the concrete assessment of the monetary maintenance from the parent who is not the main carer. A common
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Breaking down the EU Blue Card requirements

Breaking down the EU Blue card requirements: Is it right for you?

If you are a citizen of a non-EU country, you may be eligible for an
EU Blue Card. It is a type of residence permit issued by
EU countries such as Austria. For qualified applicants, it is a
gateway to live and work in Austria.


What are the requirements to obtain a EU Blue Card in Austria?


Applicants must have completed a tertiary education program (such as university) that lasted for at least three years. Alternatively, they may have to show at least three years of relevant work experience that is comparable to a three-year university degree and was acquired within the past seven years (this applies to Information and communications technology professionals and service managers).

Additionally, you must have received a job offer in Austria that corresponds to your education and is binding for at least six months. You must also earn an average gross annual income of at least €45,595, which includes special payments, as of 2023. Please note that this figure is adjusted every year.

Another requirement is that there is no equally qualified job seeker registered with the Public Employment Service (AMS) in Austria for the job you are offered.

Can qualified candidates also bring their families to Austria?

Yes, for candidates who qualify and apply for an EU Blue Card, their family members can apply for a so-called Red-White-Red-Card plus. This means the applicant’s family members may also be entitled to work in Austria. A simultaneous application for the main applicant and their dependent family members is possible.

Is this type of residence permit similar to or even better than a Red-White-Red-Card?

Both the Red-White-Red-Card and the EU Blue Card allow applicants to live and work in Austria. It’s worth noting that applicants for the former are not subject to a points system as opposed to those applying for a Red White Red card.

Also, under certain circumstances the time a card holder has already worked on an EU Blue Card in different member states will be taken into account in connection with a long-term residence permit in the EU.

Can Law & Beyond assist candidates or their potential employers with the application process?

Yes, we would be happy to assist you in this regard.  We can guide you through the process every step of the way. Please contact us to get started.

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