Custody and contact rights
The parents concerned feel particularly burdened by custody and visitation rights proceedings. When parents are married both have custody. If the parents are not married, only the mother has custody per se, but the parents can agree on joint custody or the father can also apply for it in court. Visitation rights, are about who takes care of the common children and when. Expecially when children are concerned many questions can arise: What form of custody is best? What about contact rights? What if I want to move with a child? Who gets to spend christmas with the kids? Can I go on vacation with the kids? Who can decide about vaccination or the right school? What about the grandparents? What to do, if the original parenting plan is no longer working or even dangerous if one parent manipulates the children or does not allow contacts?
If an agreement is not possible, another solution is needed
In the best-case scenario, the parents can agree on these issues. If that doesn’t work, it can be very difficult for everyone involved. Many parents go to sleep thinking about the argument about the child and wake up the next day with it. Parents want the best for their child. It becomes difficult when the good wishes for the child diverge widely or children are used as an instrument to take revenge on the ex-partner for alleged insults.
We support you in and out of court, we are your lawyer for custody – contact rights in Vienna
We support you in finding a solution that is right for you and your children.
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