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Marriage and partnership agreement
We help you to create a prenuptial agreement that suits all parties.
Child support
Child support can raise many questions. We will be happy to assist you with all aspects of child support
International family law
Particularly in family law issues with an international dimension, it is worthwhile to seek advice from experts. We are here for you.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Family Law
Familienrecht Anwalt Wien

Family law and divorce lawyer in Austria

There is a saying: Life it what happens while you are busy making other plans. This is true, especially when it comes to family law. Even if unplanned, situations change. A divorce attorney can help you to focus on the most important (legal) aspects.

Maybe your marriage is not working as planned, maybe your spouse is looking for a divorce but you are not, maybe the original parenting plan is no longer in the best interest of your kids, maybe you need to move with your children, maybe you learned that your spouse is cheating or you feel like you need to move out if the marital home. In all of these life decisions it is recommendable to seek legal council to protect your interests.

We follow the motto of striving for an agreement wherever possible. Sometimes, however, amicable solutions are not possible. In that case you have to be prepared to stand up for your rights and, if necessary, fight for them in court.

(Legal) Conflicts in the family

Conflicts within the family are very complex. For many people, family law proceedings are associated with great stress and often existential threats. It is important to avoid common mistakes in the beginning.

It’s not just about money. It is also about the heartbreaks that have been felt. It is often about rearranging life.

Prenupt,divorce, separation, custody and child support

We are attorneys specialized in (international) family law and we will support you in all matters concerning family law- your divorce, division of assets, in the drafting of a prenupt or partnership agreement, in custody proceedings, visitation and contact right or concerning child support or spousal support claims.

Your divorce lawyer in Vienna

We are reliable partners for you when it comes to protecting your and your children´s interests.

We are happy to support you!

Find out more about the legal situation in our blog or here.

Your experts